Aches and pains, grunts and groans, oh boy!

Orthopedic acupuncture isn't exclusively just for athletes. I've treated knee pain on an avid gardener. There's also chronic tendinitis on a barista's forearm. Or how about the shoulder pain from the military man pulling people into helicopters. Orthopedic acupuncture supports their bodies during their most loved hobbies but as well as their careers. I would never ask the gardener to completely stop her weekends full of walking garden tours or pruning her veggie garden. The barista can't just up and quit her job, and you can't retire from the military because of shoulder pain. 

Orthopedic acupuncture allows you to continue doing what you love without pain or restricted movement. I'm here to support you!

So what exactly is 'orthopedic', anyway? Let's say you have a pinched nerve, your sciatic nerve for example. Nine times out of ten it's your piriformis muscle (located in your glute) constricting and pinching that sciatic nerve. That's where you get the shooting pain down to your butt cheek or even all the way down to your foot. My job is to go into that muscle and get it to release and relax... and that gives your sciatic nerve a break. This is true for all the nerves pinched by muscles! I go in, get it to back off, and your nerve can breathe. There are also trigger points for every muscle in your body. When I hit those trigger points (painless to you!) I get tight or knotted muscles to release. This is great for you yoginis or body builders.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to email Brittany at

Any questions? Don't hesitate to email Brittany at

Or let's say you have a bulging disk that's pressing down on a nerve and giving you back or neck pain. I have those muscles surrounding your vertebrae release and create more room for that bulging disk. We're not talking about inches of space though, all you need is a few millimeters in order to stop the nerve from being pinched. I can't put a disc back into place but I can definitely help alleviate the pain it causes.

Prescribing you herbal formulas is also immensely helpful. For the athletes,  you'll experience better endurance and recovery time, less joints locking up and muscles knotting, and less soreness from an intense workout. The gardener gets an increase in blood flow and synovial fluid in her knee joint. The barista's forearm tendons let her work a full eight hour shift now. And the man on active duty has better range of motion in his shoulder. Orthopedic acupuncture is for every body.

And hey look, there's a study to back this up!

Have you been treated with acupuncture for your aches and pains? Comment below about your experience!